Employer Listing Advice
- Please take time to craft a well written and attractive job advertisement. A large amount of candidates can be put off applying for a role that is written in a hurry without inspiring or exciting candidates. Be optimistic, positive and detailed.
- Allow the personality of the company to come through in how you write. If it is formal adopt a similar tone, if not, then more relaxed. Please avoid generalities, specific facts are good.
- A significant number of people who are not looking for a new role will see this if included on our social media campaign. Don’t forget to market your company clearly and well. It’s an excellent advertising opportunity.
- Think about the candidates that we represent, experienced, talented and capable people, Returners, Rethinkers, Rebalancers and Retirees. Many have had extremely impressive careers and will be more than capable in every arena but may need upskilling on specific tech requirements. Please write your advertisement with the candidate you are after in mind.
- We suggest 3 headings and have listed points for each below.
- Please respond to every job application.
A. About Us (The Company or Individual/Charity)
- Company core values, USP and company ethos.
- Day to day life and workplace environment.
- Mix of people already employed.
- Atmosphere, is it relaxed?
- The team he/she will be joining, size, philosophy.
- Any special work place highlights, days working from home, dress down, a particularly nice office, away days. Anything to make it more appealing.
B. The Role
Use bullet points here to make details clear.
- Use standard job titles so people understand what the role is about easily and quickly. Use bullet points here to make details clear.
- Blue sky thinking. What do you really want them to do?
- What sort of person would excel in this role. “We are looking for a candidate who….”.
- Roles and responsibilities. Be specific.
- Qualifications needed.
- Qualifications nice to have.
C. Further Details
Use bullet points here to make details clear.
- Location.
- Base Salary.
- Benefits.
- Type: Full time, Flexible, Part Time, Project, Term Time.
- Hours/Days if not full time: Job share, school hours, work from home.
Please note: Whilst we check each advertisement prior to posting to ensure that it is formatted and reads well we cannot re-write each one.
Thank you so much for listing with us.