Trustee Treasurer


About The Cartoon Museum

The Cartoon Museum in London champions cartoon and comic art, highlighting its value to culture and society and is dedicated to preserving the best of British cartoons, caricatures, comics and animation.

The museum houses a collection of over 6000 original cartoons and comics, and a library of over 8000 comics and books, documenting the history of British comics from the 18th century to the present day. The museum has a permanent exhibition and temporary exhibitions, a Learning Programme and events, a museum shop, a Friends’ Organisation and volunteers .

About the Role

We are looking for a voluntary Trustee Treasurer for the Cartoon Art Trust Limited.

In addition to the Charity’s standard requirements of being a Trustee, the Treasurer is required to carry out the following duties, ideally a qualified accountant or somebody with extensive experience:

  • Oversee the financial affairs of the organisation and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice.
  • Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place.
  • Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation.
  • Oversee the production of necessary financial reports/returns, accounts and audits.


  • Chair the Finance and Audit Committee.
  • Liaise with relevant staff, committee members and/or volunteers to ensure the financial viability of the organisation.
  • Make fellow committee members aware of their financial obligations and take a lead in interpreting financial data to them.
  • Regularly report the financial position at committee meetings, 4 times per annum, (balance sheet, cash flow, fundraising performance etc).
  • Oversee the production of an annual budget and propose its adoption at the last meeting of the previous financial year.
  • Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures and controls are in place, ie:
  • Cheque/Bank signatories
  • Purchasing limits
  • Purchasing systems
  • Petty cash/ float
  • Salary payments
  • Pensions
  • PAYE and NI payments
  • Others as appropriate
  • Appraising the financial viability of plans, proposals and feasibility studies.
  • Lead on appointing and liaising with auditors/an independent examiner.
  • Lead Trustee for risk management ensuring that management and Trustees regularly review Risk Register.

Skills Requirements

  • Knowledge and experience of current and fundraising finance practice relevant to voluntary and community organisations.
  • Knowledge of bookkeeping and financial management (as necessary).
  • Good financial analysis skills.
  • Ability to communicate clearly.

Further Information

This role is voluntary and remote mainly with 4 meetings per year on site. One or two days per month maximum.

All applications should be sent with a CV and covering letter to Oliver Preston, Chairman of The Cartoon Museum by email, Thank you for your interest.

The Cartoon Museum: Charity name The Cartoon Art Trust Limited, regd. charity No. 327978, Company No. 2290220.