Charity Rates
A large number of charities are supported by BoNeW and will not have to pay to list vacancies on this site. All other charities will be charged reduced rates.
- In each case a Charity Number will be required.
- No commission is charged on salary.
- Rates for advertisements are below and you will be refunded following listing if you are one of the charities we support.
- Charity logos, web-site information and additional literature are all encouraged with each listing.
Rates: Applicable to all contract prices
- 1 advertisement
- 30 day listing
- social media coverage (optional): LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
- company profile page (optional)
- applications to your inbox or careers portal
Please note:
- We sadly cannot list advertisements for domestic help (we highly recommend Sort Your Help).
- Whilst we check all advertisements we cannot check all applications to you. When listing please include as much information as possible. We have included a number of drop down boxes, all of which may not be relevant to you. These will ensure you receive applications from the most relevant candidates.
- Should we be unable to list your vacancy you will be refunded as soon as possible. Usually within 24 hours.
Full Time
Part Time